Wellcome To My Blog

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012



           I wanna tell you about my sweet moment when I was in Senior High School. At that time, our class was international class. Automatically, there was no exchange of students between us. So, I felt like a family because it has been together for three years. We always compact wherever and whenever and in whatever condition. In our class, We had a smartest person. Her name's Nuri. She always got the first ranking. And I won't forget when we were cheating on Nuri's home work everyday. In my class, there was no difference between us. Because, we were all the same. One heart one soul. Intercorp, that's what we called our class name. Anyone a friend's birthday, we always gave crazy surprises to him or her. And it was very enjoyable. I had many types of friends as shy, cheerful, funny, misterious, and humorous. Everyday, we always laughing together because the boys of our class always joke just like players of opera van java. In resting time, we went to canteen together. If the teacher we're not in, we sing together while playing the guitar. And we have a song memorable. The title song was "Kita Untuk Selamanya" by Bondan Prakoso and fade 2 black. Every week, we always walked arround the Kuala Tungkal city together. And every month, we always made a get together. Many of my class friends be a couple even now. And I often made a mockery of their.  Oh God, I miss those moments so much ! After we finished National Final Exam, we went to Padang city for holiday. We spent four days in Padang city. We visited Air Manis Beach, Lembah Anai Waterfall, Mall of Padang, and we went to Bukit Tinggi to see Gadang watch and bought presents for family in Kuala Tungkal. There, we took a picture to be used as keepsake. We were so happy at that time. I wanted that moment to happen again. Oh, I miss them so much ! I really miss our togetherness and happiness.  Now I can only see a collection of my pictures with them. And I don’t know when those days will recur. Okay guys, that’s all obout my sweet moments with intercorp’s students. And I won’t forget them.


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